Features & Benefits
Convenience comes standard
Our personal checking accounts come with the features and benefits that add a better level of convenience and peace of mind when it comes to managing your finances. Every new personal checking account includes:
- FREE personalized Mastercard debit card
- FREE online banking
- FREE bill pay
- FREE mobile banking with mobile deposit
- Up to $10 ATM Fees refunded monthly
- FREE eStatements
- FREE thank you gift
- FREE gifts for referring others
- Buy back of your debit cards and unused checks from another financial institution of $10

Personal Checking Accounts
We Mean Premier Checking
An account for those interested in higher interest
- FREE Standard Checks
- Higher interest rate with minimum daily balance of $1,500 or more
- Competitive interest if balance falls below $1,500
- Only $10 monthly charge if minimum balance falls below $1,500
$50 minimum opening deposit required.
We Mean 50 Plus Checking
Perfect account for customers 50 and better
- FREE standard checks, 1 box annually
- Competitive interest
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
$50 minimum opening deposit required.
We Mean Interest Checking
Earn interest with the convenience of direct deposit or any automatic payment
- Competitive interest
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
$50 minimum opening deposit required.
We Mean Free Checking
A FREE account for everyone
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
$50 minimum opening deposit required.
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